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Most companies are doing all they can to ensure their workplaces are safe for returning employees. However, it is certainly understandable that businesses will still wonder whether or not what has been implemented will meet the expectations of their workers.

For those companies that want to get a better idea of the concerns employees have surrounding COVID-19 and their company’s efforts to keep them safe, businesses may want to consider using this COVID-19 Employee Return-to-Work Survey.

Employee engagement will never be more important than it will be in the coming months.   Providing an avenue for the voices of workers to be heard will help build a strong and trusting relationship between employers and employees.

But remember, as with any survey or request for feedback, be ready to develop a plan of action to address areas of concern that the business did not originally anticipate. Not doing so will cause distrust to fester and could cause irreparable harm to your company’s brand and the bottom line.

Should you want a Word version of this survey, please send an e-mail to Please share this information with businesses you feel may benefit from it.

As always, Marzano HR Consulting is available to provide to businesses guidance on managing employees through this COVID-19 pandemic.


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